So you’re addicted to Color Street (aren’t we all?) and now you need to figure out how to organize your nail polish strips so that it’s easily accessible when you need it. Finding an easy Color Street organization bin is essential. As an Independent Color Street Stylist, we have our own ways of keeping our massive stock under control. However, this article is specifically for the user.
Updated September 11, 2023
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The biggest benefit of Color Street, outside of it’s affordability, is that you can do your nails anywhere. Some people will want their Color Street organization to be easy to grab so they can head to the couch to do their nails while they watch TV. Some will want a nice storage container for their vanity. And others may want something bigger to organize ALL of their nail products and accessories. I will help you find some of the best options and ideas for how to organize your nail polish strips.
Need to add to your Color Street collection? Shop online!
Small Organization
Small bins and bags are perfect for those who just need something for their Color Street packages. These tend to be the cheapest options for Color Street organization, but limit what you can hold because of the size.
One of the simplest containers would be a greeting card storage box. The new 2020 packaging has a dimension of 6.5 inches long x 4 inches tall. If you can find a 5×7 photo box that would fit them perfectly with some wiggle room. Some have dividers included allowing you to further organize your Color Street by color or style!

Another idea is a cute single pouch bag. It won’t be able to hold much other than your Color Street nail polish, but it’s a stylish option especially if you plan to put this pouch into something bigger. You could easily repurpose this bag for make up as well!

I saw this idea recently on TikTok – a small photo album to save all your resealed Color Street sets! It makes it easy for you to quick flip through all the colors and designs that you have while keeping the size small and portable. You’ll only need a 4×6 small photo album to make them fit, but if you have a lot of resealed sets you’ll likely need more than one.
Medium Organization
These are great for Color Street organization as well as keeping a few other items with it such as twosies (two-finger samples), cuticle sticks, and nail files.

Have a larger bin in mind? A 3L snap closer storage bin is a great stackable option. This size is big enough to hold more things in addition to your Color Street organization, but not too big where it gets in the way. Being clear is also a plus because you know exactly what’s in it before opening. Keep this in the closet or in a cabinet for easy access!

Thirty-One is another amazing direct sales company just like Color Street. They focus entirely on organization so it’s no surprise that some of their products are perfect for this! Above is a perfect cosmetic bag with an extra pouch to keep some smaller things safe. If you need more information or want to order any of these, please refer to the Thirty-One website as I do not sell these products.

Food storage works great too for a desk top option! This was purchased initially as a storage option in my pantry for seasoning and noodle packets, but as you can see it works great for Color Street organization.
Large Organization
WARNING: This section is for the biggest Color Street addicts! If you have enough to last you 5 months of nail polish changes, this could be for you. If you like to get extremely creative with your designs, this could be for you. And if you love Color Street this much, have you though about joining? Get all your questions answered about making money selling the most sought after nail polish in the USA, Canada, and Europe: Just click here.

If you’re looking for how to organize your nail polish strips with vanity or bathroom storage, here’s a great product! It has a couple drawers to keep your Color Street nail polish packages, but also room on top for nail polish remover and other things like nail files! I like the clear acrylic/plastic because you can easily see what’s in each drawer. It doesn’t make things harder!

Need something to make travel easier? This large travel make up bag will get the job done. The dividers are adjustable, too! These would be perfect to take a little bit of everything to an in person party or even a vendor event where you don’t need everything. I could even see myself filling this up and then grabbing it to bring to the couch when it’s time for a new mani!

This 10 drawer rolling cart is actually what I use to organize all my Color Street business supplies. It is definitely on the bigger side, but if you want EVERYTHING nail related in one location this will do the trick. I didn’t put the wheels on it, but you could to roll it anywhere or quickly grab what you need for your next mani!
Two Finger Tester Storage
This one is likely for the Color Street Stylists unless you’re a “twosie” hoarder. Having a good supply of two finger testers is a great business tip. You always want to have them on hand to hand out to people to try or to give away as goodies. However, organizing them all is another story. These can be easily lost since they’re shipped in small plastic bags. Here are a couple great ways to store just your massive supply of two finger testers.

Oddly enough, a tall tea bag holder can work amazing for Color Street organization of two finger tester twosies. This makes more sense for Color Street Stylists who have more samples, but it could work for anyone too. You could even put small nail files, buffing blocks, or liquid polish bottles in these little drawers.

Don’t like the upright storage option and looking for something that will lay flat? Try a small plastic sewing box. There are plenty of dividers and can make them any size you need. The packaging is roughly 2″x3″ in case you were wondering what the dimensions were first.

And if you want to get really cheap – steal one of your kids trading card sleeve protectors! They fit the two finger testers perfectly and makes it easy to flip through. If you don’t have a 3-ring binder hanging around, here is a really cute rainbow one!
Color Street organization is just as important as organizing any other part of your home! The possibilities are endless, but hopefully this gave you some ideas to start with! Now go do your nails!
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Awesome tips. Thanks!