A Quick Rise and Fall of the Dashing Diva MLM

Dashing Diva has managed to start an MLM (multi-level marketing) company and end it all within 2 months. It has become one of the biggest talked about controversies in the nail community for 2023. Lets go through everything and see how and why this happened. If the tea is what you’re looking for, Dashing Diva MLM tea is what you’ll get!

The Beginning of the End

In November 2023, Dashing Diva announced the beginning of their MLM called The Diva Life subtly at the bottom of a couple emails. It was passed off as “More than just an affiliate program” and you could click a link to apply. They hosted a live Q&A at the end of the month that was met with mixed reviews. Some people immediately swore off the brand because of this change whereas others were excited because they loved sharing their nails with everyone.

The Diva Life websites went live early December for those who had decided to sign up immediately for free during that month.

Full disclosure: How do I know all this information? I signed up to be apart of the Dashing Diva MLM to see what would happen and I’m glad I did for all the drama.

It did not take long for word to spread wide and far about the new “business model.” They even posted about it on their main Instagram which caught quite a few negative comments. That post has since been deleted, but of course the internet is forever and I posted it below.

They officially launched to the general public January 9, 2023 and had livestream kickoff showcasing the starter kit among other things. As of right now, the “replay” is still up on youtube and you can watch it here. I don’t think it can be publicly searched for, though.

Dashing Diva made another statement, albeit a simple comment that they were “strongly considering your feedback.” And every consecutive post, despite not being about the Dashing Diva MLM, had many comments calling them out.

The Email

The comments kept flooding in. So much to the point that 3 days later the main coordinator of the Dashing Diva MLM side, Scott Halversen, sent an interesting email to those who had joined on January 16, 2023.

He was probably assuming it would stay private and within the positive Diva Life space, but nothing ever does. Needless to say, it was not a great nor professional email. It starts with “Quick Update – Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the read 🙂 “

You can have a read for yourself below.

Once leaked to the public, the Dashing Diva drama took another turn. The people who were already disappointed got even more angry and rightfully so! Gaslight your customers with a condescending tone – that’ll win them over said no one ever.

The End

Finally, on January 17, 2023 they decided to put an end to it all. They put out an official announcement on Instagram as well as send out an email. The following day, mydashingdivas.com was completely wiped clean and only the final announcement is left for those who didn’t find out on Instagram as well as a 40% off coupon code DIVALIFE40 that you can use on the main site.

You would think that this would make everyone happy right? No more Dashing Diva MLM and everything goes back to normal right?

WRONG! The comments kept pouring in demanding that Scott Halversen get fired or they were still going to lose lots of costumers.

And Dashing Diva did not disappoint them. Many of those that had voiced their feelings had received a DM from the official Instagram/Facebook account stating that Scott was no long affiliated with the brand. There is also some mention on Reddit that there are a few new job postings for the company – wondering if they are all associated with the Dashing Diva drama that had unfolded.

Official statement ending the Dashing Diva MLM

And as quickly as this came about, it was completely destroyed. Here is an example of a company choosing to do something that they want only to listen to the vast majority of their consumers and NOT go through with it. Typically, large companies ignore the masses and do whatever they want.

So I pose the question. Is this the end of Dashing Diva has a top nail wrap company that so many love? Will people still refuse to support them because of all of this? I’ve got a full list of many non-MLM nail wrap companies you can support if you’re looking to cut ties.

Regardless of what you thought about any of this, the Dashing Diva MLM had probably the shortest lifespan of any multi level marketing company. But I’d love to hear what you think in the comments!

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