Last year, the creator and CEO of Color Street Fa Park leaked that there would be an updated and new Color Street compensation plan for the new year. The time has finally come and this week the details were shared with all current Color Street Stylists!
While the bulk of the compensation plan has remained the same, there are some major differences that need explaining in order to fully understand how a Stylist will get paid. Rest assured this new Color Street compensation plan does not fully take effect until October 1, 2022. They are going to ease everyone into it with a transitional phase that starts April 1, 2022.
There are no guarantees regarding the income from this opportunity. The success or failure of each Stylist, like in any other business, depends upon each Stylists’ skillset and personal effort. Earning levels for independent Stylists are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual stylists business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors. Read the income disclosure statement here.
Lets get into the details, but keep in mind that these are just the updates that will affect most Color Street Stylists. There are more changes ahead, but those will be for the much higher ranks which makes up a much smaller % of Stylists.
Why did they need a new compensation plan?
You might be wondering why Color Street decided they needed a new and improved compensation plan. It comes down to observations and feedback they’ve received over the almost 5 years that Color Street has been around. Ultimately they want to help Stylists achieve more and give them a bigger reason to hit the base goals.
If you want to compare and contrast between the two compensation plans, you can read about the old plan here.
NEW Jump Start Rewards
The company felt like the Jump Start rewards were too difficult to achieve for the vast majority of Stylists. Why have a rewards program if it is only going to discourage so many right away?

The Color Street team wanted to make the new Jump Start Rewards feel attainable. Therefore the first and biggest change to this program is the lowering of the PV or amount of product sold to $500. The first level of the Jump Start Rewards used to be $1000 PV in the first 35 days of joining. That was a huge feat that not many could obtain. This changes that.
There are still 3 different levels of the Jump Start Rewards like previously, but each only requires a total of $500 PV to achieve!
There’s now also a consistency reward if you hit ALL 3 levels of the Jump Start. It doubles the amount of product credit you earn with an additional $150 worth of product credit.
NEW Retail Commission Schedule
This has changed for 2023! Learn all about the new Color Street changes for 2023.
This change in the new Color Street compensation plan affects ALL Stylists including those who join for the discount and don’t have the desire to sell.
It LOWERS the commission earned on sales lower than $300 each month. Those that don’t reach the $300 Qualified Stylist level will only earn 15% instead of the whole 25%.

While this may seem like a disadvantage for kitnappers and hobbyists, it will drive those looking to succeed in this business to hit the QS (qualified stylist) level to earn more money.
You might be wondering how you’ll get paid when you get to the next level of commission %. If you get paid at 15% in week one and then hit 25% in week two, you’ll get paid your full 25% for week two AS WELL AS 10% back pay for what you earned in week one. You won’t have to wait until the end of the month to get that extra money.
NEW Career Path
The new Color Street compensation plan includes 7 NEW rank titles! You’ll see them highlighted in the image below. While some of the rank names may be the same from previous, ALL of the ranks have new qualification requirements to meet. You won’t be able to directly compare ranks between the old and new.
Most of the new ranks are in the lower levels of the plan which should give the newer Stylists better recognition for their hard work and see benefits from it.

There are also simplified requirements now throughout the ENTIRE career path in Color Street as well as reduced requirements making it easier than ever to rank to higher levels.
The biggest change is the loss of the 50% capped group volume requirement through the rank of Team Builder. The minimum GV (group volume) required to achieve those ranks can come from your personal sales as well as everyone in your downline. There is no limit to how much volume can come from one leg of your team.
As stated earlier, the new Color Street compensation plan doesn’t take full effect until October 1, 2022. HOWEVER, there is a transitional period that starts April 1, 2022 that reduces the requirements to rank higher by 1 leg!
Level Bonus Changes
The new Color Street compensation plan has INCREASED the % payout on levels – especially the levels closet to you such as your immediate team underneath you (level 1).
And you’ll also notice that this % increases as you rank higher and higher as well as allow you to earn a bonus on even more lower levels.

NEW Advancement Bonuses
Another BRAND NEW change to the new Color Street compensation plan is advancement bonuses. These are cold hard cash rewards for the beginning ranks in the career plan. The company felt like rewarding the upcoming leaders in Color Street will help motivate and keep them wanting to reach higher and higher levels.
These bonuses start when you achieve the rank of Senior Stylist and go all the way through Senior Team Leader. That’s 6 full levels to earn bonuses on!

A brand new Stylist could earn up to $1650 USD/$2110 CAD by achieving all of the ranks. That’s a lot of money that wasn’t available before. And that is is addition to all of the other compensation earned through personal and team sales, level bonuses, etc.
One thing to note: In order to get the advancement bonuses on levels Senior Team Builder, Team Leader, and Senior Team Leader, you’ll need to achieve that rank 2 months in a row before the bonus is paid.
However, you don’t need to hit the rank 2 months in a row as soon as you hit it for the first time. If you hit Senior Team Builder in May, but not again in June you won’t get the bonus. If you then go to hit Senior Team Builder again in July AND August you’ll still get paid that one time bonus because you were just now able to achieve it 2 months consecutively.
It doesn’t matter when you first hit the rank. It only matters on when you first get that rank 2 months in a row.
Career Title Mapping for Current Stylists – What new rank will you start at?
If you’re a current Color Street Stylist, you might be wondering what exactly your new Career Title will be come April 1, 2022 when the transition to the new Color Street compensation plan begins.
The Color Street home office decided to look at the average paid rank each current stylist had between February 2021 and October 2021. Whatever your average was during that 9 month period will be your starting Career Title.
And as per the new plan, that Career Title will be valid for 6 months. If you do not reach the same Career Title in that period, you will be downgraded to the title you DID achieve that 7th month.
If at any point that you Bonus Qualified (hit $300 PV) within that 9 month period, the lowest Career Title you will have is Qualified Stylist.
When April 1st hits and you find out you’re starting at a lower rank with the new Color Street compensation plan than you thought you would or should, keep this in mind. Remember those new advancement bonuses I mentioned earlier? You’ll now have an opportunity to earn those! That’s extra money in your pocket when you get back to the Career Title you had. (This only goes up to Senior Team Leader)
Generation Bonuses
The changes to generation bonuses in the new Color Street compensation plan only apply to those earning the Career Title of Director and above. If you’re not at this level I wouldn’t worry about this information yet. It might just confuse or overwhelm you when it would be more important to focus on the general changes.
And really, the biggest change is a generation is now defined as a Senior Team Leader (STL) leg. It used to start at the rank of Executive Director, but lowering the rank required gives more chances to earn based on generations!

Can we still take advantage of Stylist placement?
Yes, this is not going away with the new Color Street compensation plan thankfully! It was one of my favorite parts as almost no other social selling company allows you to move your recruits around to benefit your growth. The only change to this is the rank required to be able to utilize placement. Previously it was Team Leader rank and now it is Senior Team Leader.
Hopefully you’re excited about these changes and what they can do for your Color Street business. Again, the transition period for these changes don’t start until April 1, 2022 with the complete change not happening until October 1, 2022. There is time for you to learn and understand this information.
Feel free to ask me questions or direct questions to your upline Stylist. We will all do our best to answer them, but we are still learning the new Color Street compensation plan too. If you’re ready to see what this new plan can do for you and your family, get started today!
There are no guarantees regarding the income from this opportunity. The success or failure of each Stylist, like in any other business, depends upon each Stylists’ skillset and personal effort. Earning levels for independent Stylists are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual stylists business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors. Read the income disclosure statement here.

I’m interested in joining and have gotten a lot of great info from your website. Tried my first set almost a week ago and they still look good! I’m impressed. The kit bonuses-are they mainly February/March and November? Hoping to get the biggest bang for my buck!
Hey Brittany! So there aren’t any set kit bonuses. They are surprises to us when Color Street announces them. I’m not aware of any current join incentives, but I’ll keep an eye out!